I’d love to hear comments on your point of view because this post may be touchy. There are a lot of discussions around replica handbags and jewelry. A designer builds their reputation over decades and it all goes to waste when people buy cheap replicas online. As a broke college student, I personally love cheap alternatives to expensive brands. Yes, there is a strong argument against buying the replicas from China, but such large brands like Louis Vuitton and Cartier make so much money I highly doubt they care if I buy a knockoff from a warehouse overseas. But I digress. If you were ever interested in buying replica pieces, but didn’t know what websites are legit listen to my advice.

You obviously want to do a lot of research on the website before placing an order. My favorite website, pursevalley.cn, was recently shut down. That was the first replica website I ordered from and did a lot of research on Google reviews from customers. I found out it was closed down when I went to place a 3rd order and the reviews (because I wanted to make sure it was still reputable after a year of not placing an order) said the website was unfortunately gone. From Pursevalley, I ordered a (fake) Louis Vuitton Neverfull MM and a (fake) Fendi Peekaboo which both arrived with (fake) authentication cards and dustbags in pristine condition. However, the website is gone now so I started my search for a new website.

A large thing to remember when placing a replica order from China is that it will take about a month for it to come in the mail, so do not expect instant gratification. However, it is a really awesome feeling when it does come in the mail after you’ve forgotten you even placed an order. It’s literally like Christmas day! Also, the safest way to make a purchase through a sketchy website you may not entirely trust is through Western Union. That way, no one in another country has your credit card information, and they cannot take more money from you then agreed upon.

So recently I purchased from two separate websites in order to try and replace my beloved Pursevalley (RIP). One was a website that sold handbags, bagsheaven.cn, and the other was a website that also sold jewelry, www.exposed.su , which was a new adventure for me. As I am collecting my information for this post, it has come to my attention that bagsheaven.cn has also been shut down (RIP) so I won’t talk much about that, but luckily the other site also sells bags. The closed down sites are still worth mentioning in the event they return. The wallets I purchased from bagsheaven.cn were very nice quality Louis Vuitton knockoffs. Understandably, these websites are being shut down because selling knockoff items is frowned upon…possibly illegal, but it’s sad to see them go. They obviously do not create the designs of the items they create (duh, they’re replicas), but they do put effort into making them high quality replicas that last very well over time. The Neverfull bag I bought 3 years ago is still holding up as my school bag. I use it every single day, get compliments on it constantly, and carry a lot of heavy stuff around. I love it regardless of its sketchy, super fake origin.

The jewelry came in the mail first, very quickly actually. I had ordered 4 (fake) Cartier love rings for $30 a piece for me and my girls.These rings cost upwards of $1200.00 if you buy them from real Cartier so obviously I jumped at the chance to get them for basically nothing in comparison.

When purchasing them in white gold, I didn’t have the highest of hopes, to be fair. I thought they may turn our fingers green, or the metal might turn from shiny silver to black. I was very wrong. After wearing this ring for a month straight, I can vouch that they actually must have plated them in something, white gold or otherwise.

After constant wear, hand washing, etc., my finger never turned green in the slightest and the ring is still just as shiny as the day I took it out of the box. Speaking of the box, it was slightly beaten up on the outside – obviously from a long travel, not the fault of the company – , but the contents inside were packaged so well in bubble wrap that nothing was damaged.

I would highly recommend purchasing from this company if you are looking for a replica piece of something usually so expensive. These types of pieces would also make great Christmas gifts, assuming the person receiving the gift doesn’t care they’re fake. Some people, like myself, just like the look of expensive stuff, but will never spend the price of expensive stuff. If you do purchase something online from China for Christmas, do it soon so it has time to come in the mail! And if you come across a different website or company, make sure you do a lot of research on reviews about it before placing an order. I have been lucky in never being scammed because I do thorough research, but it definitely does happen to people.

Happy shopping!